Saturday, February 19, 2011


Where have you Been little Mrs. Missy???? We'll see... I've kinda been extremly busy at work see i've been designing a decent amount of cakes while i've been M.I.A. but i've also bene working my ASStronomical Area off while i've been doing so the last couple of weekend in a row i've been Slaving like you wouldn't believe...not that its not paying off I worked 101.36 hours in the last two weeks alone and will probably work more the upcoming weeks lol...but neways enough about how over worked and under paid I am lets get to the wonderful world of Cake Bakery that I live in  lol...

Here's a Cake I made for my Friend Koda's Daughters 1 Year Old Birthday Cake
 My First Castle Sculpture what do you think???

                 Here's A cake I designed For a lady at work Her Grandson's Birthday  Party Theme was Cars...


1st time i've eva made a car out of rice Krispies and Fondant...I did kinda decent

Here's my Cake for my Casino It was a real rushed cake So its not my best but yea here ya go

                                         And Last but not Least a little Valentine for My Valentine's

<3  aka all of you!!! <3

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I'm off of vacation and back at work...just throwing some new pics of that i've been doing dont' really feel like doing a whole lot of typing so just look at my pictures and be amazed by my mad skills

1st off Tuesday i decided i wanted to make cupcakes...what do u think???

                                                                                 All the good stuff

Here i came up with the bright idea of making bunt cakes...the look fabulous

                                                             They were so pretty i had to advertise em'

Here are some birthday cakes i've made to show off a little more of my skills
A cookie Cake, A Cake with a Samoan Flower, and my nephew's 2 yr old birthday cake

Monday, December 20, 2010


 Ok Kids it's time for Sarah's first blog entry....this is something I've been stressing about for a while I've typed this out like 50 different times and lost it due to a dead battery and deleted it due to lack of confidence in myself....I mean for gosh sake its my 1st BLOG ENTRY!!! which maybe 2 or 3 ppl will actually read lol but hey I'm a perfectionist what can i say...even if i am the only 1 who reads this I need perfection...hehe...soo let's get started.... :P

 So First let me inform you on what this blogs going to be about....its the life of a baker....its going to be about the emotions of a cake failure....the excitement of creating a master piece....its going to be about how to make your cake or any other dessert you make to the next level!!! This will also be giving a weekly life lesson for all my Bakers which will be a little lesson I Learned from that week or from a rough time in my past were i learned the hard way the right thing to do....but please remember I maybe a baker by heart but i do have a life outside of that so i may throw in a little life lesson that has nothing to do with cake lol...gotta keep ya on your toes ya know...

 This Blog will also be connected to my website so if you read a little on my website and want to see more you can come here...or if you want a good recipe for a special even coming up you can go there to find it... but here is my lesson of the day entry from my website to start us off...and I'll update it more later...

Lesson of the day
   Alright kid's its your favorite cake lady with her Lesson of the day so pull up your chairs,put on your reading glasses, and get ready to learn!!! So today i was asked to make a birthday cake for one of the cadets at my school a female from Samoa asked me to make her friend a cake with the American Samoa flag on it she told me the colors of their flag and was on her way...I decorated the cake and when she came back at lunch time she saw it and was a little upset  she said ummm Sarah I have to tell you something...I told you the wrong colors this part is red and this part is blue and that part is white....*giggle giggle* soooo of course i was slightly upset because of the fact that i had to race to get it corrected but she was obviously patient seeing as she told me the wrong the lesson kid's is 1) if your going some where to ask for a birthday cake know the exact colors and if your not sure please let someone know so they can double check...and 2) for you pastry chef's please please please always check and double check the colors of flags or any other important such item so that you don't run into this problem cause you won't always have a patient client who claims there mistake-take note i did have her draw out the flag and write down the colors so i had make sure you write down their request and go over what you wrote so they can't tell you later that you did it know that I love every challenge that's thrown my way and I adore the Cadet that gave me this challenge and I'm posting this to prove how much I enjoy her not to make fun....and that i enjoyed my lesson about the Samoan flag I promise you i will never forget their flag colors ;)